Taipingshan Nature Tour

I am Poyu Lin
I am in Taipingshan
I love to travel, love wandering around Taiwan.
Today we��re going to visit Taiwan��s biggest mountain lake!
With an area of around 36,000 square kilometers, Taiwan is a mountainous island that boasts 268 mountains over 3000 meters high. It��s been said that the density of high mountain peaks here is second to nowhere else in the world.
Because we��re tourists, not hikers, the place we��re going today is Taipingshan, which is a bit shorter than some of the others at about 1950 meters.
Taipingshan used to be one of Taiwan��s three major logging centers. Lumberjacks used to live around these central stairs in what was a small village. Back then, those who walked along here came for work. Now, they come to admire the maple trees.
Even in summer, you can see red maple leaves here. It��s so amazing!
It��s popular in Taiwan to come to Taipingshan in summer to look at the purple-leaf maple, whose leaves have a deep red color throughout spring, summer, and fall. It��s a beautiful sight!
These 418 steps are just a warm-up! Next up is Cueifong Lake!
Cueifong Lake is located between Taipingshan and Tayuan Mountain. If you want to see this beautiful lake with your own eyes, there are four different hiking trails you can choose to get there. The one I��m taking today is also the longest one, the circular trail.
The circular trail is 3.9 kilometers long, and was mostly built along the route of an old logging railroad line in order to better preserve the surrounding environment.
There are several sightseeing spots along the trail that give you a different angle on the lake. Isn��t it beautiful?
Cueifong Lake is like an emerald hidden among the mountains. It feels like time stops and everything else fades away when you gaze upon the water.
I really want to stay longer, but we still have half of the trail to go�K
On the second half of the trail, there is another special sight. Lush cypress trees stretch skyward, in one of the old-growth forests that make up what is called an Ordovician tundra biome. Even if you��re not a botanist, you can guess from the name just how valuable these trees are.
Beside the cypress tree biome, there are all sorts of unimaginable surprises waiting for you along the circular trail. The rich environment around Cueifong Lake will frequently stop you in your tracks.
When you��re stopping and starting, it can take several hours to cover nearly 4 kilometers. This viewing platform near the end is the closest to the lake itself
Cueifong Lake is really so pretty. If you have the chance, you should definitely experience it for yourself. I am Poyu Lin, enjoy your time in Taiwan! Ciao ~see you next time.



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