Taipei Cultural Antiquities Walking Tour(1)

Welcome to TAIWAN, I am Poyu Lin
I love to travel ,love wandering around in Taiwan,if you are a travel junkie like me, let me know,What is your favorite place in Taiwan?
Kang Qing Long
Kang Qing Long district is my favorite
Kang Qing Long district is a place full of passion. I can��t wait..
Getting around Taiwan is really simple; all you have to do is jump on Taiwan Tour Bus.
On the bus, there are WIFI and tablets available that provide information in English, Korean, Japanese and of course Chinese.
Before this kind of trip, youngsters will dress up with an artistic feel, in Taiwan we call this style��Wun Cing��.
This foreigner-beloved Kang Qing Long district consists the streets of Yongkang St., Qingtian St., and the Longquan St., This area is scattered with boutique shops.
Experiencing tea culture is an important goal for tourist on their trip in Taiwan.
To make a good cup of tea, it��s not that easy. We call this ��kongfu tea��
Let me show you,How to make it?
��Dayuling�� a kind of oolong tea, which requires high temperature water. The warm cup and hot tea will bring out the best of the teas aroma. Let��s try it out.
After making the tea, don��t rush into it. Smell the tea part first.
Oh��,is awesome,it��s like getting an aromatherapy,and now I,m going to try it.
It is refreshing.
Now that we have tasted the first step of knowing Taiwan, let��s step back for some history.The collection in ��Formosa Vintage Museum�� shows the transformation and diversity of Taiwan��s culture from the Netherlands, the Qing dynasty and the Japanese period, to the KMT government period.
As I stroll down Kang Qing Long district is like an adventure.
This is an awesome store; they have these traditional handmade puppets and flourish clothing. These traditional items have been reborn in hands of our local artist.
So how do I look?
Can you see where the red cloths are hanging on the tree by that road? It symbolizes respect .We believe that there��s a soul in every treasure of the past. Speaking of old trees, Qingtian St. has the most oldest trees. These old trees here are called ��emeralds.��
Look at these trees; it��s makes me feel good. During the Japanese period, this was a residential for professors.
Behind us,it��s the Japanese and Western style of the building, it was built by Professor Adachi in 1931
It��s last owner is Professor Ma, Ting Ying from the department of geography of NTU. After some renovation, it is now open to public.
To prove that I am a real artsy, let me show something. This is the path we travelled today tracked by GPS. Look, does it look like a dinosaur?
You can also use GPS to track your trip in Taiwan. We welcome you to share your memories with us on our fan page!
I am Poyu Lin, enjoy your time in Taiwan! Chow��see you next time.

