Romantic Taichung

Michael, I love parks, and I love even more parks that are in the middle of busy cities.
Oh really? Why��s that?
They��re usually pretty rare, which makes them all that more special, and they��re a great place to do something or nothing
at the same time.
I can see that.
Look at all these couples here at Taichung��s Greenway Caowudao. It��s the perfect place to go on a date.
Couples? There aren��t any couples here. It��s only perfect if you have four legs. And hair. And sharp teeth.
Parks, romantic? That��s where you take dogs to go to the bathroom.
Well, what do people do in Central Park of New York?
Central Park of New York. They jog, they take their dogs to the bathroom and ok they go on dates.
OK. So you want to see a magic trick?
Yeah, OK. That��s it, huh?
They��re really great.
Yeah, it��s so cool. Its nice to watch (street performers) in any part of the world.
I��m hungry. Shall we tip them and get something to eat.
Since we��re on this romantic theme, I thought let��s go get some dessert. There are some great restaurants around here.
Dessert is such a wonderful idea.
How about if you and me go huh?
You and me? How about the cameraman too?
OK OK and the cameraman.
So there's this wonderful place I've been meaning to try but I never got a chance. You want to go there?
Sounds great, let��s go.
Dessert. Yeah!
This is fantastic.
Custard cream strawberries and mille feuille. You know, we��ve been saying that Taichung��s parks are great places to go on dates, but I think as long as you��re with someone you love, any place is a great date place.
No, no, no. This place is not safe. Because I��ve fallen in love with this dessert. I think I��m going to run off with it. It��s so good.
It��s that good, huh?
So you should come.
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