Bagua Mountain

Can I, can I, can I have one? Wow. You should have one every day.
Michael, this is the Bagua Mountain Scenic Area, and behind us the giant buddha that is one of the top ten landmarks of Taiwan.
Wow, how big is it?
It��s 23 meters high and it��s made of concrete (and steel).
When was it built?
It was built in 1954, I believe.
I wonder if they built it because the last battle of the Japanese invasion of 1895 was fought on Bagua Mountain.
Right around here?
Nearby somewhere, but I��m not sure where.
Oh, cool.
Yeah, so he��s blessing the battlefield after all these years.
Nietzsche once said that the abdomen is the reason why man does not take himself for a god. And my abdomen right now is wondering, when are we going to get some food on this trip?
Ok, I get it, I get it.
It really is sour.
Yeah, it��s sour. It��s delicious.
Did you know that pineapple cakes are one of the most popular things that people buy when they come to Taiwan?
When they come to Taiwan? I knew they were popular with locals, I mean, they're delicious.
Thank you!
This is for you. I love pineapple cakes.
Me too. These are a little different, aren��t they? From the kind we usually get?
Yeah, the ones we usually get are kind of like majong tiles. But these are like candy bars.
Don��t even say it, they��re so delicious. It's wonderful.
I didn't know they had this on Bagua Mountain. I didn't know there was so much to do here.
There's so much to do on Bagua Mountain. There��s the gigantic statue of course, there��s the monkey research center, there are the biking routes, there��s the tea, the old buildings around the base from 18th century. There are all kinds of things you can visit in this area.
And that��s why you should come.
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