Yilan Green Onions

One, two, three�K
Cedric, you love to cook, right?
You know me well.
So when somebody mentions Taiwanese food to you, what ingredients do you think of?
Dry radish, salty duck eggs, tofu in all its forms and last but not least, spring onions.
And that��s why we��re in Sanxing, Yilan today, home of some of the tastiest scallions in Taiwan.
Tastiest, you say? I want to see that for myself.
Good job. Then what you do is you take one of the stalks, pull it apart, clean off the old roots like so, and you stick it back into the ground.
You mean it will keep growing?
Yeah, after three months, this one stalk will turn into this entire bunch.
So simple!
So why is Yilan so famous for green onions?
Sanxing spring onions are especially crispy and especially juicy.
And why is that?
It��s because of the climate here.
And I��ve noticed that they grow on mounds of dirt, so what's the story there?
You see how there is a white part to the scallion beneath the green? This white part is in the dirt, and it's because of the lack of sun that they��re so white.
Ah, I understand. The white part is my favorite, it��s so much more intense and full of flavor.
Intense is the word. Do you think we have enough scallions for our scallion pancakes?
I think we do.
We have the scallions, a little bit of salt, white pepper and that��s it.
Picking scallions was fun, wasn��t it?
It was a blast. But what I loved the most is to be here in Yilan, in Sanxing where the nature is so beautiful. We have one mountain on one side, another mountain on the other side, a river running through it. This is like heaven.
Definitely. If you want the best scallions in Taiwan�K
That��s in Sanxing where you find them. And so you should come.
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