Yilan Kumquat

You can eat the skin too?
Michella, what are you drinking?
Kumquat tea.
Come what tea?
Kumquat tea. A kumquat is a citrus fruit with edible skin, and it looks like an olive
Oh and let me guess, they��re grown here in Yilan, and that��s why we��re here today?
Oh grow up.
So Cedric, this is a kumquat, you can eat the entire thing. Start with the skin.
OK. Oh it has that zesty, fragrant, citrus smell, and the skin is sweet, too!
Now try the meat.
Oh! It��s sour! It��s delicious! Is it some kind of a lemon?
No, it��s not a lemon. It��s not as sour as a lemon. I can eat baskets of this stuff at once.
Kumquats were originally from China, but the Japanese brought it to Taiwan around the turn of the 20th century during the occupation. They love the taste so much and found that Yilan had the perfect climate conditions for them.
So perfect that over there, I saw a tree with kumquat, lemon, orange and CD��s. All four grew on it.
Cedric, did you know that this is one of the oldest and most popular tourism factories in Taiwan?
Yeah and I hear its beginnings are quite interesting, can you tell us how it started?
My mother teaches at National Yilan University, she teaches food processing. But at the university, she wasn��t able to find a factory that would really open their doors to students and internships, so my parents decided to create a place for them to learn.
Cedric, I didn��t know that kumquats were so tasty and so interesting. The story behind them was incredible!
Yeah, and they are fun to pick, fun to candy and fun to eat.
And you should come!
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