Longmen Camping

Hello from the Longmen camping site on the northeastern coast of Taiwan. This is the largest camping site in Taiwan.
They have everything here. They have tents, obviously, and sausages and barbecue sets and sausages and bicycles and sausages and canoes and sausages. And something else. Yes, sausages.
Is that our barbecue set?
This is my barbecue set.
Your barbecue set? OK what��s inside your barbecue set?
Let��s find out. OK, so what do we have?
We have plates, chopsticks, bowls.
Needle mushrooms.
Barbecue sauce.
Oh my gosh.
My sausages!
Your sausages?
Yes my sausages!
Then can I leave you with your sausages and go canoeing?
Yeah. You know what? I'm going to walk you there and when you come back, everything will be ready.
That sounds fair. OK.
You know I can��t believe this used to be a barren sand quarry. Now it��s one of the best camp sites in Taiwan. It��s about 72 hectares, which is about 178 acres. You can come in an RV, a bus or you can drive, with everything or nothing that you need. And electricity, hot water and log cabins are available if you need them too. You sure you don��t want to come?
Ah, I think what I need is barbecuing. Sail away!
Off I go.
Michella, don't worry, the fish in that river are not man eaters. The same can��t be said about the crocodiles though.
You know Cedric, we��re missing a couple of dogs.
Oh yeah, I love dogs.
Me too.
Though I don��t cook them. I do hot dogs, I don��t do dogs.
You French guys are so funny.
It��s been said. No but seriously, the place is really great because I am no camping expert, far from it, but they provide everything and the place is beautiful, there��s good food and it��s far enough from the city that it really feels like a break but not so far and still accessible, so we��re doing the show now but I will definitely come again with my family.
OK, but before that, can I have this?
Yes, of course.
Bon appetit.
Bon appetit.
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