Atayal Weaving

What do you think? This one? Or this one?
Oh the white one.
Welcome to Raisinay, Miaoli. Raisinay means ��rocky cliff�� in Atayal.
The Atayals are the third largest aborigine tribe in Taiwan.
Their men are master hunters and women are expert weavers.
This is turmeric, it dyes things yellow. For blue, we use Assam indigo and true indigo. This is ramie, we use its fibers for cloth. First we get rid of the leaves.
The skin��s what��s going to be used for weaving. They��ll take this apart and they��ll become string.
Is it all done by hand?
If we make all the string by hand, it��s very tedious, and we can probably only make two pieces of clothing a year, so here we buy yarn or cotton to weave.
If an Atayal man can��t hunt, no woman will want to marry him, because the family will starve to death. So in the same way, if an Atayal woman can��t weave, no man will want to marry her.
Because they won��t have anything to wear.
This is so sophisticated!
I like this one best.
Yeah, me too.
This is beautiful.
Completely beautiful. Almost Parisian, it��s that beautiful.
Look at the yarn, look at the strands here. There are different colors in each strand. So nice.
I was really pleasantly surprised by some of the things they make here. The stole that I'm wearing now, some of the bags that I saw, they really exceeded my expectations.
Yeah, and to be perfectly honest, I��m not always a big fan of aborigine handicraft - they are beautiful in a certain context, right?
(Beautiful) in a cultural context, which is not my culture. But when I see these things, this bag, they are beautiful outside of any context - they are beautiful, period. And that��s what really impressed me too. I could definitely buy this for my wife and I could definitely buy this for me.
We should bring our fashionista friends sometime.
Yeah, let me call them.
Hello? This is my fashionista phone.
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