Penghu fun and food

Hi, I��m Michella and this is my friend Andrej

Hi I��m Andrej from Czech Republic. I��ve just graduated from university so I��ve traveled to Taiwan for one month.

So today Andrej and I are taking you to explore the waters of Cimei in Penghu.
Let��s do it.

When you come to Penghu in the summer, you��ve got to jump in the water. And down here you��ll find not only a nice way to cool off, but a beautiful underwater world as well. Cimei is the southernmost island of Penghu and there��s an abundance of coral here, which means lots and lots and lots of pretty fish. Cimei is not as famous as Green Island for scuba diving or snorkeling, but it��s much more secluded.

If you prefer to be on the water rather than in it, kayaking is a good option too. If you��re tall like Andrej, you might want to be extra careful with balance...
The trick is, you have to keep your balance. But it��s easy. I thought it would be more difficult.

You know, I really suspect that this guy flipped over on purpose. But coming from a land-locked country, I don��t blame him. Practically every chance he got, he would dive right in.

There��s no sand, just coral and shells. Amazing. Here he goes again!

It��s not that rich on the bottom but I just found some shells.
Hey, that looks like what we��re having for lunch!
I think there is a trick to getting it out. You have to twist...
Mm, it��s chewy.
It��s chewy? Like chewing gum.
All natural, soy-sauce flavored chewing gum!

Speaking of food with no taste, this is pufferfish skin, loaded with collagen.
I hope it��s not poisonous, because it��s delicious.
It��s chewy, and it��s crunchy.
Uh huh, yes.

There��s not much taste to it, but it��s kind of refreshing.
It��s not like meat, it��s really crunchy.

You have to visit. Really. Because I think it��s very different from the whole Taiwan.

So see you next time in Penghu. Bye! Bye!

�j�a�n�A�ڬO�έ��e�C�o�O�ڪ��n�B�� Andrej!

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