Kite Festival Travel

Michella Jade Weng, Presenter:
Oh! It's turning, it's turning!
Right hand.
Ease up on the right.

Welcome to the nothern coast, where the annual kite festival is taking place right now.

This is a stunt kite. You can make it go left, go right and even go in circles!

TF Yang, Stunt Kite Association:
Hey, pretty good!
Pretty good!

Just when I thought I was getting the hang of this...

Michella Jade Weng, Presenter:
I got... Oh!

Oh man, that was embarassing. Sorry!

TF Yang, Stunt Kite Association:
It's about getting used to working with each other. Then the kites don't collide. Our formations include the explosion, up-down. We can fly more than 20 different formations.

Stunt kites, regular ol' kids' kites, Japanese carp kites - there are so many different kinds! Ever seen someone surf with a kite?

Cai Ze-chang, Kitesurfer:
Hang on a sec. Going to Kinmen for some candy. Be right back!

Mr Tsai's been kitesurfing for more than ten years, and he's really good. He says if the wind's strong enough, he can fly as high as three stories over the water.

Michella Jade Weng, Presenter:
You have to fly the kite and surf at the same time, isn't that difficult?

Cai Ze-chang, Kitesurfer:
Actually it's alright. Mostly it's just controlling the kite. If you can get it to fly steady, most people can get the hang of it pretty quickly.
What about your legs?
You just go with the flow.

The kite festival on the northern coast takes place around the end of September every year. Come and check it out, and fly a kite while you're here. It'll for sure bring back wonderful memories from childhood.

Also in the area is Jinshan, definitely worth stopping by especially if you're hungry.


This restaurant specializes in duck, but the stir-fry dishes are really popular too. They seem to come in random order, so what you have to do is squeeze your way to the front, grab what you like and try to find your way out again without spilling anything. Quite chaotic, but an interesting experience. Not to mention, the price is reasonable and the food delectable.

With the kite festival going on, this place should be packed with even more excitement.


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