Educational Tour- Hualien

Welcome to Taiwan,I am Poyu Lin.When travelling, I like to experience the local culture.It��s even better when you can experience history, intertwined together with modern creations.
I��m at the Hualien Cultural Creative Industries Park.The goal of our trip today is to visit ,one of Taiwan��s five main creative parks. This park used to be a factory, making red wine and rice wine. Though no wine is made here anymore, every corner of these buildings evokes the memory of wine.When travelling, most people like to take pictures of what they see as important. When you see these drain covers, will you be doing the same as me.
The industrial park maintains,the design and feeling of a wine factory from 1913. However, the interiors are now, part of a cultural and creative stronghold, a real feast for the eyes where, you can indulge your wanderlust and appetite while soaking up the fun.Fantastic.
This place used to be, a storage room for the wine ingredients. Now, it��s used for exhibiting,and selling all sorts of stunning creative items.This series of notebooks, is bound with vivid 3D origami fabrics ,of Taiwan��s 16 indigenous tribes. This one is Amis tribe of Hualien.Building number 17, used to house huge stills for fermenting wines. To preserve a sense of the factory��s history, it��s been repurposed as a museum of wine culture. What I really like here is that the museum, creative shop houses a workshop with handmade items.
The most charming part of handmade products, is that each one is very unique!Here,you can make your own,one-of-kind leather bracelet.After leather slowly absorb the coloring,we��re almost down. Is it beautiful?Walking on this cobbled street, I really feel like I��m in another world. Surrounded by the deep green of these trees, the bamboo fences, and the small wooden buildings, I couldn��t help but slow my steps to take in this moment away from the chaos of the city.It used to be a dormitory for top executives of an old winery,now it is a wooden guest house,where you can enjoy cultural and creative experience.Listen to the tune from that record player! For a while, I really felt like, I was an artsy youngster from yesteryear.
For today��s visit to Hualien, it is difficult to describe the pleasure ,that I��ve gotten from immersing myself ,in this space combining history and the arts. You should really come and see for yourself!I am Poyu Lin, enjoy your time in Taiwan! Ciao��


