The Pier-2 Art Center

Kaohsiung��s beauty.Kaohsiung��s quirk.Kaohsiung��s creativity.Welcome to Taiwan,I am Poyu Lin.When traveling in Kaohsiung,how can��t you miss out on, the Pier-2 Art Center.
As southern Taiwan��s most modern city, Kaohsiung is in a constant cycle of aesthetic rebirth, lending vitality and vigor to it��s arts and culture.Welcome to the Pier 2 art center. It��s a place where composed by the warehouses ,and also the harbor side and railway and also it��s kind of to,replace and reflow into the art center.
Covering 18 hectares the Pier-2 Art Center, is made up of three main areas - Dayi, Dayong, and Penglai - and comprises 25 repurposed warehouses.The size of Pier-2 ,has attracted many artists and creative shops, making it a must-see attraction in Kaohsiung.The Pier-2 Art Center, is Kaohsiung��s most notable creative hub. When coming here, it��s a great idea to pick up a Pier-2 Pass!
For the first stop on my tour, I��ve chosen to head to the Memories of Pier-2 Warehouses. Can you imagine that such a well-designed space, was once a place for loading goods?This series of photographs, eloquently expresses the changes ,that Kaohsiung underwent in each stage of its history. It��s an ideal start to my tour of Pier-2 Art Center!
These two figures sitting under the top,are Pier-2��s own celebrities, the one with a big hat is��Juan Juan Bao��, another one is ��Tai Kong Bao��.As suggested in its name,��Sit here, do nothing.��, the idea behind the work is to remind the tourists, who see the pair to slow down a bit.Wandering through the warehouse��s connected spaces.Enjoying every minute and every second of your time, at Pier-2 is the best way to experience it.
A lot of people are waiting in line, I can't wait to experience the special alright
Because the Penglai area of Pier-2, borders the site of Kaohsiung��s first railway station, planners created the Hamasen Pier-2 Line.
Behind the row of warehouses is a vast field, with century-old train tracks in a radiating pattern stretching out, under a range of large metal sculptures. It��s a sight I��ve never seen before!These six meter-tall statues of workers and fisherwomen,are symbols of the Penglai Area, and of Kaohsiung��s identity as an industrial port city.
I love to wander here, breathing in the sea breeze, while contemplating these works of art. It��s a special cultural experience that only Pier-2 offers.
Oh right! Did you notice,that with these workers and fisherwomen, whether you look at them from the back or front, their backs always seem turned? If you want to know why, you��d better come to Pier-2 , find the answer!



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